I am currently writing this at 38 weeks pregnant whilst sipping a lovely cup of raspberry leaf tea from Napiers - but available at Barnton Pharmacy. I can find out more than I probably want to know about my unborn second child from the internet.
My hospital bag is pack with the thanks of Mumsnet "hospital bag for dummies", the birth plan is written and at every twinge my partner leaps into action, only to be disappointed that this child will not arrive when it is convenient for us!
I don't profess to be an expert on pregnancy, childbirth or parenting, but thought it would be interesting to note down what is different this time round?
Well, here we go (in no particular order):
- I'm nearly 40 (eek!) and things are definitely not as elastic as I remember from last time round!
- Maternity leave looks very different when you part own a business. Much less sitting on the sofa, reading "Hello" and much more, "I wonder how many things I can tick off the action plan today"
- My first born is beyond waiting. Time for a nearly three year old is measured by big events and having told him he would be a big brother "after santa" and before his birthday, we now have to answer the daily questions of "Mummy, will I be a big brother today?"
- It is much harder to agree on a name for a second child than a first child....or maybe that is just us!
- The birth plan and the hospital bag never even made it out of the car last time round. Fingers crossed for a speedy arrival once things get going.
- The nearly three year old has far too much energy!
Barnton Pharmacy stocks lots of the things you will need for your hospital bag including: maternity pads, newborn nappies, lansinoh, breast pads, bottle feeding essentials, some lovely smellies and remember to come and have a look at our SMA interactive kiosk to help you with your newborn queries. Our team can help you with practical, no nonsense advice whatever your stage of pregnancy or motherhood.
Wish me luck and see you on the other side!
Good luck Sally! Hope baby number 2 arrives speedily and smoothly and that you find a name for him/her!! Or let baby's big brother decide on the name! Hopefully catch up with you on your mat leave. Fiona x